Sunday, February 20, 2011


New York Times
Our Subway, Ourselves: Images Through the Ages

             This article has a span over a 106 years of subway photos. A colllection from the staff of New York Times shows how we have evolvedthrough all the years, however one thing that remains the same is that no one is better than the other by their is no first class.  In reading this article its a good reminder to not forget that our culture and environment could be lost if we dont take time to capture it.

Adivice to Young Artists-Ch. 5

Artist and Artist's Image

                   As artists it is imporant to maintain self disipline and remain constant at our work. Artists should also strive for making his art the very best it can be not just satisfied when they think its good. When students leave school and they don't have the instructor sometimes work seems to become lack the finishing touches. Also in work we need to decide and ask the question who is  our audience. No matter who the audience is; its good to not give everything away let the audience decide on thier own it will have more effect. In creating art remember to have fun thats when we create the best work.


New York Times
'Norman Rockwell: Behind the Camera'

                 Rockwell achieved his paintings in the late 1930's on through photography. However Rockwell was not the one taking the pictures, but was the one who set everything up. He brought together his photos by using props, and even his own friends and family.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Advice to young Artist-Ch.4

Tradition and the New in Current Art

              As artists we start with our own traditions that we have adapted over the years with but, we also encounter new experiences that give us new ideas. In this chapter it says,'If the ideas are there, technique will follow.' Although in having these new ideas it could takes years to master, its not something all of the sudden. Teachers should push the artist to practice strongly all the time to reach the artist goal. In practicing its still always good to listen to criticism and, not only to good praises. Listening only to the good praises can slow your progress down. Through criticism we will progress faster, along with practice.

Article 3

New York Times
'Below 14th, Center Stage'

                      Bridget Fleming from Australia moved to the Lower East Side, NY. She now captures people on two wheels riding down different streets, from behind. Although these people are apart of her props, she is capturing new York in a fun, and fresh new look. She is exposing a little glimpse of what makes up New York from different occupations to diversities.  This is a very creative way to make the audience want to go there or get a taste of New York.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Advice to Young Artists-Ch. 3

       As an artist going to school we should soak up as much as we can. We can do this by being determined to learn even if we don't think what we need. It's also important for students to show interest in learning to their teachers. This inspires the teacher to more enthusiastic and wanting to teach, rather than become boring. In learning we should be able to take criticism it will only help us become more knowledgeable and better our abilities. Also its important for teachers to educate us in not just one aspect but to teach us multiple scenarios to help us not be illiterate to the art world As artists we need to learn everything we while we can in school, and encourage our teachers to share their knowledge.

Article 2

The New York Times
J. Henry Fair: 'Abtraction of Detruction'

             J. Henry Fair takes photographs of environmental pollution as abstract painting. He's able to take these pictured overhead in a plain or helicopter to get to these restricted areas. He captures these destruction's in a way that seems beautiful, he uses vibrant colors such as rust, greens, and blues. In these photographs he not only documenting whats really going on but he is trying to communicate to his audience through these vibrant colors to get our attention of the environment we all share.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Advice to young artist-Ch. 2

Reading-and reading right
      In this chapter it emphasized that reading is a very important tool toward your goal.It is important as an artist to read and be educated in the world of art not just the present but also the history leading up to now. Reading will form ideas and challenge us to become better. It will also expand our knowledge in understanding the artists that influence you, and for us to discuss art on a more higher intelligent level. Also in this chapter it discuses how we need to consistently be working on our art. It is good to not only work on one piece but maybe work on two or three to get our mind working unconsciously. It is important to keep on working even though we feel its not our best this will help us grow. Through reading and working consistently it will make us be the artist we want t be.