Sunday, March 6, 2011


New York Times
All the Worlds a Canvas

                            Photographer JR travels all over manly in the poorer places of the world. He is a photographer as well as a graffiti artists. His work can be sen from rooftops and buildings. His intent is to capture that particular place and its way that the people want to convey a different image of themselves to the world. His people that help are not paid these people are friends and strangers, he feels that if he did pay them that it would only take away from the soul of the project.

Advice to Young Artists-Ch.7

Galleries, Portfolios, and Web Pages

                    As artists it is important to know and have a good understanding of galleries. Galleries want to see that the artists is serious and self-disciplined because most collectors will watch an artists up to 5 years to see if they will stick around, and be a good investment. Artists should also be involved in the art world and show interest as well as support to their fellow artists. When wanting to present your work to the dealers it is best for beginners with large works to set up a portfolio of color prints, but should be of best quality. For paintings it is best to represent them in a notebook. This is better than using slides although have slides with you. Also maintaining a web page of your work is good for inquirers and an introduction to your work, as well as to follow where your exhibits may be. This chapter encourages to always be prepared and have your portfolio handy at all times.

Article 6

New York Times
Visualizing Science

                 These winning photographs are from the International Science and Engineering Visualization; they use viruses, bacteria, fungi, DNA, and more to create their photographs. When looking at these photos it is another reminder that creative photographs can come from any where.

Advice to Young Artists-Ch.6

The Color Monster

             Often times students tend to make up excuses as to why we are not advancing in our work. Excuses such as, I don't know enough about this or that so therefore it won't be as good. These excuses are a bad habit that we  fall into and teachers try to help try to help us with this, but it is important we need change this way of thinking. As beginners we will learn from Munsell system, Lands theory, and all the great artist from the past to further our work and communicate to the audience. As young artists we should remember to seek our teachers for help, and the only way to learn is through trial and error.